Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is a globally recognized standards company that works to establish safety guidelines and industry standards for the design, production, and marketing of a wide variety of products and components worldwide, with a particular focus on products manufactured and disseminated in North America. UL is dedicated to the development of more secure and sustainable products through the creation of reliable, repeatable testing processes.
UL testing is particularly valuable for the standardization and safe operation of electrical components. Many industries require UL testing for the electrical equipment incorporated into power and data systems. Some of the most common industries that benefit from UL-certified products include aerospace, automotive, consumer goods, oil and gas, and power generation. When determining the right product and UL specifications for your industry or application, it is important to understand the difference between products that are "UL Listed" and those that are "UL Recognized".
What Does "UL Listed" Mean?
Fundamentally, UL Listed products are fully-functional, stand-alone products or equipment that fit within a specific category or function as defined by Underwriters Laboratories. If a product is labeled as "UL Listed", it has been thoroughly tested to UL industry and safety standards, which can include everything from fire and flame resistance, mechanical function, and potential electrical hazards.
UL Listed goods are labeled with a distinctive seal that indicates that the product has met stringent national safety and sustainability requirements as published by Underwriter Laboratories. Having your product UL listed indicates superior quality and enhances your brand's reputation for safety and accountability.
What Does "UL Recognized" Mean?
UL Listed products differ from UL Recognized products in that they require more rigorous testing. This is primarily because UL Recognized products are typically parts or components that are manufactured to meet particular industry specifications. These components may be partially complete or have limited operation, as they are intended to be incorporated into larger products or systems. UL Recognition is therefore focused on smaller scale parts and components, rather than UL Listed devices and machinery.
Many products, such as power supplies, electrical components, and even insulation materials receive UL Recognized certification because they are incorporated into larger systems, but do not have a specified user function on their own. It is important to note, however, that although UL Recognized components have less stringent requirements, they are not of a lower quality. Rather, UL Recognized components and power supplies must still meet certain industry standards in order to be incorporated into grander designs. This may include appropriate housing for the component or specified installation and manufacturing procedures that protect the device from damage.
UL Certification: Design With a Peace of Mind
UL Listed certification is designated for complete, self-contained products like external power adapters, while UL Recognized certification is reserved for components and parts that are integrated into a larger system, such as an AC-DC or DC-DC internal power supply. Regardless of whether the product is UL Listed or UL Recognized, a UL certification tells you that the manufacturer is committed to consumer safety and excellent product quality. It’s worth noting that marks can sometimes be counterfeited or misused. To verify the validity of a UL mark, use the UL file number starting with “E”, i.e. E352717.
At Triad Magnetics, we are dedicated to providing superior quality electronics with appropriate UL certification, so you can rest assured that your electronics are consistent with the most stringent safety and quality standards in the industry. All our UL certified products are manufactured with exceptional quality materials and superior accuracy. Whether you need power adapters, transformers, drivers, or inductors, we have the knowledge and experience necessary to provide you with the ideal electrical equipment for your needs.
In addition to our wide selection of specialty components, we are pleased to offer custom designed and manufactured magnetics to help meet the particular needs of your system. With extensive design and engineering experience, we have the in-depth knowledge necessary to help you establish accurate product specifications, build a quality product, and conduct extensive safety and standards testing to ensure optimal performance within your budget.
To learn more about Triad's extensive selection of custom magnetics products and services, contact our experts today.