Behind every magnetic component, no matter how complex, is a foundation of basic electronics.
Triad's Custom Magnetics Buyers Guide
Magnetic components can be difficult to specify. Specifying a custom magnetic component can be even more challenging — with a myriad of different specifications, there is no easy way to know which your prospective manufacturer wants or needs.
2-Wire vs. 4-Wire Terminal Connection for Resistance Testing
Precision digital multimeters (DMMs) and source measurement units (SMUs) offer two methods of measuring resistance: 2-wire resistance measurement and 4-wire resistance measurement. However, these techniques are not interchangeable because their readings vary in accuracy. While a small margin of error is acceptable for certain applications, other applications require greater accuracy to prevent [...]
What Makes a Medical Grade Transformer?
When selecting a transformer for your project you may have come across medical grade transformers and wondered "what is the difference between a medical grade transformer and a standard transformer?".
Triad Adds Powerful Electronic Design Resources From SnapMagic
Triad Magnetics has integrated SnapMagic into our online catalog, providing our customers with dynamic new design resources. Known as the internet's first electronics design library, SnapMagic Search eliminates design barriers to help engineers build effective products faster than ever before. With this new integration into our catalog, we can better help our customers find the right products for [...]
How Does Quality Assurance Impact the Cost of a Transformer?
Many customers believe that the cost of a transformer is limited to the amount that they pay upfront. At a basic level, transformer costs are determined by the time and materials used during the manufacturing process. However, the truth is that transformer costs are impacted by numerous complex factors, particularly when considering the impact on the overall system in which they're installed.
How to Select the Right Transformer Manufacturer
When sourcing a standard or custom transformer, it is essential to choose a quality manufacturer to ensure the product functions as intended. However, given the large number of potential options available, selecting the right one can be challenging. Here are some of the key factors to consider when vetting transformer manufacturers to help you choose one for your application. Request a Quote
What to Consider When Constructing Power Inductors
Power inductors are found in every application that requires current control — everything from small household appliances to electronic devices to the country’s power grid. For this reason, inductors are among the most important magnetic components in the industry.
Leakage Current Testing Requirements for Medical Grade Transformers
Across all types of industries and applications, transformers must meet specific performance and safety guidelines. But medical grade transformers, in particular, are subject to very stringent regulations in order to protect patient safety and well being.
10 Factors to Consider When Specifying a Custom Power Inductor
Power inductors can be used to filter the current or convert the Voltage and current to a different Voltage and current. Applications range from small electrical appliances to large power grid systems. Inductors consist of wound conductive metal coils that generate a magnetic field when electricity flows through them. Inductors are essential in any application that needs to carefully control [...]